Secure email
ePACE Health members will be provided with an email address within the epacehealth domain. This ensures a more private and secure email communication with you and your ePACE provider. Privacy and security of your personal health information will always remain of paramount importance to this program.
Start Page
ePACE Health has created a START PAGE, which will only be accessible from the private member section of the web site. This START PAGE will allow a higher level of security so that the ePACE Health program can provide administrative and healthcare information specifically to all the members of the ePACE program. You can launch the secure email communication and your Personal Health Record link directly from this page.
My Personal Health Page
Each ePACE Health member will have access to a Personalized Health Page which will contain health information individualized just for you and will be pertinent to your specific health care conditions. This page will be private and secure but will allow the ePACE Health program to provide updates periodically. It also has the flexibility to allow you to download a number of healthcare applications or 'gadgets' that will help you customize this Personalized Health Page to your liking. This is a novel idea and you will be given detailed and specific instructions on how to use this to your best advantage.